Hello scouts and parents,
On the 27th of May, a few committee members from the four wards met and discussed, among other things, the upcoming scout camping trips for the summer. Following are a few points of clarification.
Canoe Trip (older boys 14+)
July 16-21
-The cost for this will be $175. Any excess that is not spent on the trip will be refunded to the families, as the exact cost per boy will not be known until foodstuffs and supplies are purchased. This money is due on the 10th of June.
-June 27 will be a swim test for the canoe trip. The exact location will be announced when the date is closer. All boys should show up for this who are attending the canoe trip, but boys will still be able to come without passing, they will just need to be accompanied in a canoe by someone who did pass.
Meriwether (all boys who are interested, specifically 12-13)
August 12-18
-The cost for this trip is $274. Any families who have not paid for their boy(s) will please do so by the 10th of June to confirm a spot.
If anyone is unable to pay by the due date for either trip, whether in part or in full, please speak with your scoutmaster about arrangements.
All boys attending either camp will need to fill out the medical release form available here:
http://www.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/part_c.pdf (questions? http://www.cpcbsa.org/camping/medical-form).