Upcoming Activities

March 7th: Tac-Ops Airsoft - each ward to arrange transportation to meet at Tac-Ops at 7:30 (5063 NE 122nd Avenue http://www.tac-opsairsoft.com)

March 14th: Combined Activity

Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer Camp Plans

Here is a brief summary of the plans for Scout camps this summer:

July 16-21, ages 14+: We are planning a 50 mile canoe trip along the John Day River. Estimated cost per boy will be $150, due at the start of the trip. This website shows some good pictures of the area we will be traveling through: http://www.arrowheadadventures.com/jdfamily.html

August 12-18, ages 12-13 (and any older boys who wish to come): We will be going to Camp Meriwether on the coast (http://www.cpcbsa.org/camping/summer-program/boy-scout-camps/meriwether). Cost for this camp is $274. Payment is due June 15th.

For either camp the boys (and leaders) will need a physical prior to attending. The form can be downloaded here (Parts A, B, & C): http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/ahmr.aspx

Please let your Scoutmaster know which camp boys will be attending and also which dads can come on either of the trips. For Camp Meriwether it is not a problem if dads can only come for a part of the week; for the canoe trip it will be logistically difficult to only attend for a few days, so we'll likely need a full week commitment.

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